DMC threads are expensive here in Germany (I'm talking about $1.50 for one skein, no kiddin'), so everytime somebody gets across the pond, they get an order for DMC threads.
Once I've got them, I had, of course, to update my DMC list - the list of all threads I have as whole skeins (once a skein gets wrapped for stitching - I use the bobbin system - it gets off the list)
Updating the list (which I do 2 or three times a year) includes taking out all skeins and make sure that the list is right. There are always one or two mistakes, but luckily nothing so far that has bit me in the butt.

This is 800 - 996
Once all are checked against the list and everything is updated, I put them back in the storage cabinet I've made a couple of years back.

It's basically a little box with nine drawers I've got some time ago at Ikea (I checked, it looks like they don't carry it any more). I treaded the wood to make it darker, then painted the fronts blue. In seven of the drawers are the standard DMC threads, then there's one for all metalics and one for 'others' (like verigate (sp?) threads, silks and so on)
For the records, I've got currently (as skeins) 268 different solid DMC colors (out of 447 colors available according to the DMC thread card 2001). Obviously I've got still a bit to go before I've all.
Well, christmas is over for this year and it had been quite nice. My sisters were both out of the country (one in Sweden the other in South Africa), so we didn't have any gift giving under the tree like every year. We decided a long time ago that we don't get any gifts for the adults, which is perfectly fine with me as it takes out a lot of the pre-christmas stress. Still I've got a puzzle from my friend Bill and I also treaded myself with some totally useless.
At least there was a tree:

Some of my time the last week was taken up with finally finishing Zelda: the Twilight Princess. I've manged to kill the big, big boss after a long battle last Friday. Go me!
I did some knitting but not that much really, as I've spent more time on the computer writting once again.
Well, so much for 2007. All in all, I'd say it was a good year for me. I'm healthy and got a good job, which counts for a lot nowadays. I've got good friends, which makes life even better. If I'd have to pick one highlight I'd probably go for the flight over Misty Fford in July this year. Considering that just a week after I've I took the trip one of the planes on the same tour crashed and everybody on board was killed, I count myself lucky.

To everybody a happy new year.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings over the last year and especial thanks to anybody who left a comment.