*Sigh* the week vacation I had is over - nothing good ever lasts ...
But at least I did more things than just play with my Wii *grin*
I finished a few things I've started a looooong time ago.
Like this table cloth

A cheap kit I got sometimes begining of the year. I actually bought two, just for the material - after some trial and error, I actually got the print out, so I'll going to use it for another table cloth I've got a pattern for.
I also tired some new things:

A bead bracelet, I was just playing with the million or so beads I've got over the years. Only thing I haven't quiet figured out is how to close it.

This is a bead neckless I've got as a kit in France some time ago. Fairly simple to make and I don't even know if I ever will wear it, but it's pretty.

Last, but certainly not least, is a set of stitch markers I've made. The whole construction is fairly simple. The tricky part was finding the right wire. I'm still not completely happy with the solution I've found - I think the next time I use something a little bit more flexible.
There is more than one of course:

I've made eight (and no idea where number eight is)
Today was a needlecraft trade show in Michaelstadt, so I got more patterns and material for some time to come *grin*
Next project will be some x-mas cards (I don't want to end up like last year, when I was way too late and had to put something together at the last minute)