Thing is, I do have plenty of self-knitted socks. There is no denying it. I have socks made of cotton, a bamboo blend, or with silks (blends). I have them with self stripping yarn, mono-colored, or handpainted yarn.
I do wear them, but normally only at home to keep my feet nice and toasty while sitting on the couch. I don't wear them outside, as I don't have many shoes where my feet plus self-knitted socks would fit. And because of this, they do last forever (well, maybe not forever, but pretty long at least)
I do give them away, honestly, but really, how many pairs of socks can you give to others before they think you're totally bonkers? Selling them? Hmm, not something I want to do (for whatever strange reason)
So, why, honored readers, why do I knit more?
Because it's FUN! I might bitch and moan about a certain pattern, but in the end it is loads of fun.
Like this time. There's a new Regia color out, called Canyon Colors. I've got esprit color (2810), which is a lovely self stripping yarn in greens with a dash of blue and orange. Then I found the perfect pattern for this yarn in a book a friend gave me as a present (Cool Socks and Warm Feet)
Here's sock number 1:

I did some modifications for the pattern. I used a different cuff, heel, toe than the pattern asked for and I also knitted the sole instead of following the patterns (which would have asked for doing the spirals all the way round)
I'm working now on the second sock, trying the make the pattern spiral in the opposite direction. I'm not totally happy so far, but I'll get there.
Ah, in case I'd ran out of ideas, I bought a new book - about socks.

I've heard some people complaining on Amazon, that the patterns are not that good, but what I've seen so far, I really liked. I'm sure to try a couple of those eventually.
Full moon last night. I couldn't resist and try to take a picture with the new camera / lens.

Not too bad, eh?
I did use a tripod, but I think it would have been okay without it. The shutter speed was pretty fast on this one. With a lower speed, the moon simple got too bright.
I don't know if I can/will blog next week, as I'll fly to Japan for two weeks on business, which means that the weekend it pretty much messed up (not to forget the 8hr time difference)