This is not what you think it is - or maybe it is, but I don't think so.
S.E.X. is nothing dirty and has nothing to do with what two consenting adults might get up to if they find themselves alone. S.E.X. stands for Stash Enhancement eXperience - or, in other words, a shopping trip.
There have been two during the last week. One was in Dresden where I found this really nice yarn store that stocks a lot of the stuff I really, really like, i.e. Rowan yarns, Noro and, best of all in my book, lopi, the Icelandic yarn. I tried to hold myself back, but I did end up with two really nice yarns.
One is a Noro yarn I've haven't heard of before (and even Ravelry couldn't help me with it). It's called Noro Silk Camdeboo and is a mix of 35% silk, 35% lambs wool and 30% kid mohair. When I googled 'Camdeboo' I learned it's a province in South Africa. The area is (I'm sure among other things) famous for their angora goats from which the Mohair is coming from (why it is that mohair comes from the angora goat while angora itself comes from a rabbit, I have no clue)

Anyway, it is a lovely yarn and I bought enough for a nice, luxerious scarf.
The other find was four plates of unspun Icelandic aka Plötulopi.

I've bought some of this on my vacation in Iceland and made a felted bag with it and plan on making another bag from this one. Though it's not really easy to knit, once it's felted its really sturdy and looks really nice.
The other shopping trip brought me to Michelstadt in the Odenwald. Every year there's a needle craft fair going on there and it was our second time we went there. There are a lot of German needlecraft stitch designers there with a lot of really lovely stuff. Not much yarn, though felting was a big topic and also quilting.
I bought three pattern (even though I haven't really stitched anything in a while) and also what I think might be the start to my christmas card production.

I'm not 100% sure yet if I'll try to work with the hand painted fabric or not. Guess I'm going to play around a bit with it first.
Other than that, I've got two pairs of socks to show:

Those went to my sister and she got them and they fit, so all is well. My sister is working a lot with beads, so my though was that a beaded sock would be perfect.
The pattern is from the book 'Socken aus aller Welt' from Stephanie van der Linden.
The second pair is for a friend of mine. Her feet are about 4 sizes bigger than mine and as I couldn't ask her to try them on (we live quite a bit apart) some of my friends closer by got asked several times while I was working on them what shoe size they had and, when they had the correct size, to try them on.

The sock does look a little bit strange in the pic, but only because I pulled in onto a made up sock blocker for the photo and I think I went in the wrong direction with the width versus the length ratio.
Pattern is also from Stephanie van der Linden, but this time from her book 'Der geniale Sockenlehrgang'