But it doesn't end there.
Depending on the material used (preferable natural wool) and the addition of water and agitation, one can turn that somewhat flobby object one has made, into a far more tense and sturdy thing.
Exhibit A (category felting/fulling):

Another examble for the magic that is post-knitting transformations is blocking. By soaking the finished object one has knitted into water for half an hour or so, pressing most of the water out and then stretching it with the aid of some blocking wires and/or half a million pins, one can change something that once looked like a bowl of uncooked ramen noodles into something that defys description.
Exhibit B (category lace / blocking, pre-blocked):

and Exhibit C (category lace / blocking, post-blocking):

Another kind of transformation is currently taking place as fall/autum is clearly over for this year and nature has decided to dump a respectable amount of snow on us last Friday. Yep, it's winter.
With snow this early, my guess is that around christmas it will be spring like temperatures ...