Anyway, being a sensible and responsible person (sorry, I need to have a little snicker right now ...), I SHOULD be knitting sensible, useful stuff. Like the legwarmers I've promised to make for my sister.

Then there are the socks I've started to knit for my mom and that SHOULD be much further by now.

Still on heel number one (and this is the status since two weeks ago)
I also SHOULD be knitting on my blanket (the link leads to the picture from three weeks ago - nothing has changed that status). Dresden in winter is cold, and there already had been occations where I thought it would be nice if I had that one finished.
What I SHOULDN'T knit is a lace sampler scarf I probably won't ever wear, is too light and airy to provide any warmth and already forced me to buy more yarn.

But, damn, it's just too much fun working on it and I can't wait for the day I'm done and I can block it. It will be gorgeous.
Well, at least I've finished another pair of the French Press Felted Slippers.

They do remind my of how some blossoms are being picked up in the summer wind.