Monday, May 30, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011
Kusha Kusha
The process of fulling gives, a) a sturdy body to the whole project, b) takes care that the whole think lays flat (it's knit in stocking stitch, which normally leads to curling on the edges), c) adds warms to the whole thing and, finally, d) softens the whole thing considerably.
I'm not quite sure what I'm going to wear it to, but it's super light and rather pretty.
I might dye it though, as the grey is a bit on the boring side. I aimed for elegant, but it didn't turn quite out that way.
With the Iceland afghan out of the way, I've started a new big, long term project. The idea is to finally use up my pile of left over sock yarn. Having discovered recently that I like to crochet once in a while, I started a patchwork blanket. The pattern is available for free from drops and once you have the five row pattern down, it's super simple.
I've already made about 30 of those patches and they work up really fast. It is fantastically portable (a small ball of yarn, a crochet hook, that's all). Going through my bag with left over yarn, I've noticed I've got a lot of reds - I'm not so sure I want to go that way, but for now I've got still enough other colors.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Iceland Afghan in Moritzburg
Eventually I decided to not do the cardi and knit a blanket instead. I added a few more skeins of different colors to match the original set and started knitting.

Each square is 24 stitches wide and 48 row long in garder stitch. I used a little bit under 2 skeins for 7 squares, so in the end the blanket / afghan came out as 9 x 7 squares. For the border I used another 2 skeins. I made a really, really long circular needle by connecting three cables from an interchangable needle set. With this circular needle I picked up around 770 stitches all around, then I increased by two stitches in every corner every other row.
When I got the the cast of, I held my breath if the yarn would be enough. I wouldn't have been, if not for some pieces of scrap yarn I pulled out of my trash (it was on the top, and I washed it before I sliced it to the rest, so the yuck factor was not too bad). In the end I had about 10cm left *phew*
The afghan is super cushy.

I'm madly, deeply in love with that afghan. I do love everything about it.

Thursday, May 05, 2011
To knit, to crochet, to weave

Weaving: I'm trying to weave a wrap-faced band. Normally an inkle loom is used for this, but I thought I give it a try on my rigid heddle loom. So far, so good.

I also wove a scarf using Noro Kureyon sock yarn. Weaving with that yarn has its challenges, mostly because the wrap broke serveral times. The colors, though, make more than up for that.

Not sure what I'm going to do with them once they're done. I baby blanket (which, given I don't know any babys is maybe a bit useless), a pillow or maybe a bag.

Monday, May 02, 2011

When my mom gave me all that yarn a short while ago, I decided when I have the time to finally update my stash.
So, today, I put all of my yarn into one room, and started to go through it and try to get it into some order. I also set up a little photo studio (a white piece of paper taped to the wall, my camera on the tripod) and took a picture of every yarn that had not been registered so far. All in all, I took about 50 pics, though not every one of those was actually new stuff (new in the sense that I didn't have it before. Some of the yarn I've added was bought more than 30 years ago).
After updating the list in ravelry, I now know that I have 106 different yarns in my stash. I also have 41664 meters of yarn to work with. This is more than 40km!!!
... and this doesn't even include the cottons and the uni colored sock yarn. I just couldn't be bothered with those.
One should think this is enough yarn to keep me busy for a while and I certainly don't need to buy any more yarn in the foreseeable future.
I'm not so sure of this, though ;)