Well, the mojo clearly back. Within the last four weeks or so, I've finished six projects (four small, one already well on it's way to be finished, and one large kit from start to finish)
Panda Row is a kit I'd started beginning of last year. Once in a while I pulled it out, finished another panda, then tugged it away again. This time I stuck with it too the end.

Still having fun, I now pulled out a large kit by Dimensions called "The Wave". The longer one looks the more horses you can make out. This one kept me busy for a few weeks.
Next another little in-between project. I didn't have a pic of the finish, so it was fun to see it come together.
After that one I did a small Teresa Wentzler dragon I had kitted some time ago. Her pattern are always so beautiful, even if many of them are extremely fiddley. This one is made with less than ten colors, so relatively easy. Still pretty.
And now, I have started another project...