So, just some cute pictures of meercats (from my visit to the zoo last week) - I did mention that I love me camera with the big zoom lens, right?

On the doily front, number 4 and, at least for now, the last one. Seriously love it.

I've picked up a crochet hook for a change and am working on a bag kit I've got in Japan (which, in regard of the instruction is interesting, to say the least). I'm pretty sure I've followed it as it should have been, but the bag turned out to be really small and I've got more than half the yarn left, so I did decide to frog is all and start anew with a sort of made up pattern. Then I decided that I'm not happy with that one either, so I've frogged again and am about to start with try number 3 next.
1 comment:
The Meercats are adorable, I love these little guys. Have you ever seen the show Meercat Manor, very cute. Good luck figuring out the pattern, hopefully the third try is the charm.
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