Saturday, June 02, 2012


The jewellery making is still ongoing.

But also the colunary art is not neglected.
I've made rhubarb jelly folloging this recipe:
Next time, I would use less of the juice (maybe 750ml ~ 800ml instead of a full litre to the 500gr jam suger. The jelly simply didn't firm up enough and eating it involves keeping your bread perfectly level else the stuff drips off said bread.
With the rest of the juice and strawberries I've then made jam.
All very tasty.
I personally, don't eat much jams (I'm more for a hearty breakfast), so I gave most of the stuff away already.
You may ask though, why then I made it in the first place? The answer is simple: I have fun doing it!

1 comment:

Raumfee said...

Schade, dass es nicht fest geworden ist. Woran das liegt kann ich nicht sagen, aber mir hat jetzt noch jemand berichtet, bei ihm wäre das Gelée auch nicht fest geworden. Bei mir ist es fest geworden, bei genau dem Mengenverhältnis Saft zu Gelierzucker. Ich hoffe, es schmeckt trotzdem. ;-)

LG, Katja