Sunday, July 13, 2014

Welcome to the Familie

After two years of sewing quilts and bags and whatnots, I decided I'm sticking with it. Which means that I decided to spring for a new sewing machine, as the one I have is actually not my sewing machine but belongs to my sister. My birthday plus a nice bonus for this year pushed the decision and since last week I own a new sewing machine.
I decided on the Husqvarna Viking Sapphire 930:
 This is a pretty big step up from my old machine and we are still getting to know each other. Let alone find out what all the bells and whistles are. And how to used them.
 As a quick warm up exercise I've made an organizer with attached scrap bag
So far, so good.
On the food front, a collegue of mine allowed me to raid his garden last week, so I've made jam.
One batch was 25% strawberries, 25% gooseberries, 25% redcurrant and 25% blackcurrant.
The second batch also had sour cherries (circa 35%) plus what I had left of the stawberries and gooseberries, filled up with red- and blackcurrant
I named the last concoction 'Quer durch den Garten' (across the garden)
From the remaining currants I then made sirup.

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