Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas Calories

Well, I didn't really plan on making x-mas cookies this year. When you try loosing weight it's not the best thing to have around. But then my mom came with crystalized orange peels and the request to make her beloved orange sticks from them (basically, cut the orange peels in stripes, then dip them in chocolade)
And as I already was in the kitchen and I was in the mood, I didn't stop there ...

On the top are ginger bread rounds. Below of them are marzipane balls with chocolate (the balls have also some of the orange peel and pecan nuts in them). Left of those are burned almonds with more chocolade and last, but not least I've made some coconut clouds.

The ginger bread was an experiment, which I'm not so sure that it worked out. The marzipan balls are also an experiment, but they are actually pretty good (normally I make them with walnuts and tried apricots, but this version also works)

Yeah, a new knitty is out. Look at Noberta. Isn't she absolutely adorable? I've already bought some wool for her and start working on her asap.

Last Atlantis wasn't really that great (well, they can't really always hit the mark) - but the episode gets one bonus point for working in a reference to one of my favorite movies of all time: The Princess Pride....

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