Sunday, May 01, 2016

Night at the Museums

Last weekend, forty museums in and around Frankfurt opened their doors for a night of enterainment and education. We focused on three of them.
We started out at the Museum for Criminology at the police headquarter in Frankfurt. The museum is normally not open to the public (though you can arrange for guided tours), so it was something you don't see normally. There was a demonstration of the the K-9 unit every hour in front of the building. Though I didn't understand a word of whatever the guy who guided the demonstation, it was still quite interesting.
 It took a moment for us to find the stop for the shuttle bus, but we eventually managed to get to the Senkenberg museum (natural history)
The musuem always has been one of my favorites in Frankfurt and I've been there a couple of times before, but it was new to M.
Inside they had a Mad Scientist Quizshow and a couple of interesting demonstrations.
Next stop was the Experiminta, a Science musuem, with tons of interesting stuff going on.
When we got out of there, we realized that it was getting on to midnight, so we stopped there (even those there had been a few more museums on our list).
Our feet hurt and it was very cold.
Still, I quite enjoyed the whole event.

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