Sunday, July 18, 2010

More Pattern

For some strange reasons I seem to think, I don't have enough knitting patterns. I don't know exactly how this can be, as I already have plenty of books with knitting patterns, particularly for socks.
Still, for my birthday a few weeks ago I put a coulple of pattern books on my wish list and, thanks to my good friends I got them all.
First is a book with socks patterns. I do have the predessesor, called 'Socks Socks Socks', which I love, and the new one is also pretty damn cool.
The titel is 'Think Outside the Sox' (which I believe is a bit lame ...) and contains the winning pattern from a sock knitting contest. I particularly like the one pair on the cover, but for now I have cast on a different pattern from the book.
Second book is a more basic book with about fifty knitted or crocheted afgans.

There are some cool pattern in there, and I want to use it for sort of a idea giver if (or rather when) I start another afghan. The book's title is 'Comfort Knitting & Crochet: Afghans'

Last, but not least, 'Successful Lace Knitting' by Donna Druchunas. I do love the cardigan on the cover and I'm currently thinkint if I just should use that lace border for my featherweight cardigan (which, btw, is make progress ... slowly, but progress). And there's that lovely little shawl in there, and that scarf, and ....

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